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Maurice Louche - Tour de France Automobile

Maurice Louche Tour de France Automobile
Gedrucktes › motorsport › rally › Tour de France › Tour de France Automobile
€ 195,00 je Stück
Bestell-Nr. ML Tour de France - GB
Hersteller Maurice Louche
This established event, which debuted in 1899 with a sensational in line race on open roads across France, celebrated its 50th edition in 1986.

Eighteen endurance races took place before the War, followed by another 31 years of great competition, during which the "Tour de France" built its celebrity and its history. And what a great history!

With a wonderful combination of roads, circuits races, hill climbs and the special stages, the most prestigious makes shone, with 13 victories for Ferrari, 5 for Jaguar and Lancia, 3 for Renault and 2 for Alfa Romeo, Matra and Porsche...
Many famous drivers also wrote the history of the "Tour de France", making it THE most prestigious road race in France.

Second edition different to the first, with 998 new pictures. 

english edition with 440 pages in total
1022 photographs

der Preis von 195 euro beinhaltet die Versandkosten innerhalb Europa.
the price of 195 euro includes shipping within Europe.
le prix en France est de 172 euro avec frais de transport.

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