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Sie befinden sich hier:   slot32.de  ›  classification by races  ›  24H LeMans  ›  1976 - 24H LeMans  ›  DeTomaso Pantera LM 1976 # 82

ScaleAuto - DeTomaso Pantera LM 1976 # 82

ScaleAuto DeTomaso Pantera LM 1976 # 82
classification by races › 24H LeMans › 1976 - 24H LeMans › DeTomaso Pantera LM 1976 # 82
Bestell-Nr. Scale SC 6034-b
Hersteller ScaleAuto
24H LeMans 1974 
plain yellow car in box to make to cars
# 52
Max Cohen - Ph. Olivar    (did not finish 16 laps)

# 82
Andre Wicky - Martial Deblande
did not start
Wicky racing Team

will also take the SlotIt motormounts

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