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LeMansMiniatures - Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12

LeMansMiniatures Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12 LeMansMiniatures Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12 LeMansMiniatures Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12 LeMansMiniatures Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12 LeMansMiniatures Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12
LeMansMiniatures Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12
Autos › LeMansMiniatures › The Races › 24H LeMans › 24H LeMans 1972 › Matra MS670 B LM 1972 # 12
Bestell-Nr. LMM 132046-12
Hersteller LeMansMiniatures
24H Le Mans 1972  car # 12
Jean-Pierre Beltoise - Chris Amon
equipe Matra - Shell

did not finish (1 lap)  

mehr: link 


Automobilsport 08 - Matra

Automobilsport 08 - Matra

ArtNr. Automobilsport 08


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