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Veloce - Ford Escort RS 1800

Veloce Ford Escort RS 1800
Autos › SCX › Ford › Escort MKII › Ford Escort RS 1800
Bestell-Nr. Vel Ford Escort RS 1800
Hersteller Veloce
Full detailed history of the Escort�s rally career
- Complete story of concept, design and development
- Unrivalled coverage of people and influences behind the cars
- Step-by-step account of technical evolution
- Description of cars: why, how and when evolved
- Details of principal people involved
- Packed with pictures
- Comparison with rivals
- Complete listing of important successes and “works” Escorts

The Ford Escort MkII was a worthy successor to the original MkI. It became Ford’s most successful rally car and the cars are still winning historic events today. It brought new standards to the sport, inspiring many others to copy it. Contains full details of every “works” Escort MkII that went rallying, plus driver and personality profiles, and detailed car evolution.

by Graham Robson

hardback, 210mmx195mm, 128 pages, 140 photographs (english)


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